Monday, November 23, 2020

The Tunnel of Love

The Tunnel of Love - Walk Amidst the Greenery


The Tunnel of Love Ukraine is possibly the most romantic place on earth and definitely a hidden gem waiting to be discovered in the Ukraine. It is known for being a favorite place for couples to take morning or evening strolls. If you’re planning to surprise your significant other on Valentine’s day, ditch the usual trip to Disneyland and book your trip to Ukraine.

Not many people outside of the Ukraine have heard of the tunnel of love. However, we are sure due to the perfect Instagrammable shots and its ranking as one of the most romantic places in the world, it will be flooded with tourists from around the globe in the not too distant future

Fun Facts

The tunnel of love is a 3km abandoned railway line. But yes trains still run along the tunnel of love so keep an eye (and ear) out for oncoming trains! We didn’t think trains still run this route and almost got hit!

Lovers visiting the Tunnel of Love today have Odek plywood factory to thank for the carefully sculpted tunnel. Were it not for their business, which transports relies on the railway to transport plywood from their factory through the “tunnel” to Klaven railway station, the tunnel would in all likelihood be completely overgrown.

Vampires lurk in the tunnel. Seriously hundreds, if not thousands of blood-thirsty mosquitoes, sit waiting in the trees ready to attack their helpless victims (us)! I have never been attacked by such ravenous mosquitoes in plague-like numbers. After a while, you just accept your fate is to be a human blood bag. Gross.

In the cold war era trees were planted close to the railway line to conceal secret weapons and vehicles transported to the soviet military base. Even today you can find the railway line diverges: to Odek plywood factory to the right and to a secret Ukrainian military base to the left.

Apparently, there is luggage store at Rivne train station. We didn’t see said store?

Location: Ukraine

Best time to visit: May

How to reach: Fly to Ukraine and take a bus or train to Rivne. Get to Rivne train station where you’ll be able to see the tunnel.